My fav lines

影视资讯人气:597时间:2022-12-11 19:15:37

Benjamin Button : My name is Benjamin Button, and I was born under unusual circumstances. While everyone else was agin', I was gettin' younger... all alone.

Benjamin Button : You never know what's coming for you.

Benjamin Button : Some nights, I'd have to sleep alone. I didn't mind, I would listen to the house breathin'. All those people sleepin'. I felt... safe.

Benjamin Button : It's funny how sometimes the people we remember the least make the greatest impression on us.

Benjamin Button : You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.

Benjamin Button : Our lives are defined by opportunities; even the ones we miss.

Daisy : Goodnight Benjamin.Benjamin Button : Goodnight Daisy.

Elizabeth Abbott : You haven't been with many women, have you?Benjamin Button : Not on Sundays.

Benjamin Button : Sometimes we're on a collision course, and we just don't know it. Whether it's by accident or by design, there's not a thing we can do about it.

Daisy : Sleep with me.Benjamin Button : Absolutely.Benjamin Button : I'm always lookin' out my own eyes.

Benjamin Button : [letter to his daughter] For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

Daisy : You're so young.Benjamin Button : Only on the outside.

[last lines and my fav one] Benjamin Button : Some people, were born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people, dance.
